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4th Alpine Conference on SSNMR - POSTER # P3

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Early Research Studies on:"Explaining the trends of Nuclear Shielding caused by Magnetic moments related to Susceptibilties" have been detailed at the webpages at the URL: http://saravamudhan.tripod.com/ 

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A Consideration of the Enduring Questions for the Possibility of Using Arbitrary Shapes of Specimen for HR PMR Studies in Single Crystalline Solid State


Authors :
Sankarampadi ARAVAMUDHAN (1)

(Presenting Author - E-mail : saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in )

Institutions :
(1) Department of Chemistry, PO NEHU Campus, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793022 Meghalaya, INDIA




Even when Spherically Shaped Single Crystalline Solid Specimens have been used for HR PMR measurements, for the subsequent interpretation of the Shielding Tensor parameters, it required a further calculation of intermolecular contributions to Shielding Tensor. These intermolecular contributions, when subtracted from the experimental shielding parameter values, could yield the truly and only molecular contributions, which is of relevance for inferring about the molecular electronic structure.

The question as to why a spherical shape was required, and, whether it would be possible to relax the stringency of this constraint has been the consideration of the presentations made (1) till now. Such deliberations led to the possibilities of calculating the induced field contributions inside a magnetized material by a simple summation procedure. It had also been shown that handling these types of calculations seem possible, for contributions only within the Lorentz ellipsoids, as well as, for the contributions from within the entire macroscopic specimen with shapes other than the regular ellipsoids of revolution (2).

At this juncture making progress with the question of arbitrary shapes as stated in the title of this abstract would require a consideration of the possibilities of the shape and location of the Lorentz semi micro volume element so that the intermolecular contributions can be disentangled from the total contribution unambiguously. This raises the issue of the microscopic averaging and the macroscopic averaging for arriving at the induced field at a point within the magnetized material. A discussion on the requirements seem due before actually proceeding with the calculations of this type and this context would at this juncture be highlighted and a strategy to be followed would be laid out in this presentation.

1.  http://geocities.com/amudhan_nehu/graphpresent.html

2.  http://geocities.com/saravamudhan1944/eenc_ampere_lille.html

Confirmation of Registration from the Conference Secretariat: congres@chamonix.com

For the occasion of the 4th Alpine Conference find also few postings at this author's web page at the web page URL: http://saravamudhan.tripod.com/id12.html

Application for travel grant (No: F.21-3/Acad/CSIR/S.Aravamudhan/2002-176 dated 30th June 2005; to SO EMR-II CSIR) from CSIR

On 5th September,2005 received communication from The Head, International S & T Affairs Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi [ No.27/209/Misc/(Reg)/2004/-ISTAD dated Thursday, September 01, 2005 , sd., Technical Officer SV Sarma svsarma@csir.res.in ]conveying that the application was considered and the request for grant was not approved by competent authority.

Application [id no:25972] for travel grant from UGC

Result as per online Registartion page at    http://www.ugc.ac.in

Your Travel Ref# 9,  Prof.ARAVAMUDHAN Sankarampadi Lecturer PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing East Khasi Hills SHILLONGMeghalaya saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in Submission Date: 2005-08-24   


Net Amount Requested: INR 55,000/-
teachers are not covered
Remarks This scheme is open to college teachers and vice-chancellors only.

 CLICK HERE  to dispaly a WebPage on the participation by Dr.Aravamudhan in the events during Jan.2006-March 2006.


Flight No:









 9 Sept. 05

15:40 hrs

S2 112


 9 Sept. 05

18:25 hrs


10 Sept. 05

07:30 hrs

AI 137


10 Sept. 05

12:25 hrs


10 Sept. 05

16:45 hrs

LH 3668


10 Sept. 05

17:50 hrs





16 Sept. 05

09:55 hrs

LH 3661


16 Sept. 05

11.15 hrs


16 Sept. 05

13:35 hrs

AI 8760


17 Sept. 05

00:35 hrs


17 Sept. 05

10:00 hrs

S2 111


17 Sept. 05

12:15 hrs

After the participation and presentation of the POSTER P3, returned to NEHU Campus, Shillong on Saturday, September 17, 2005 at 4:30 PM.

CLICK on the link URL: http://geocities.com/amudhan_nehu/nehu_link.html to display a personal WebPage 



Contents of this webpage have been included among the references
in the Abstarct Aravamudhan contributed at
 E U R O M A R 2 0 0 8                                                                                                                                        

                                Specified Poster Area (1.2m x 1.2m)                                 

Consists of 20 sheets all A4 size

The table indicates the number sequence in which the 20 poster sheets would appear at the presentation

A Consideration of the Enduring Questions for the Possibility of Using Arbitrary Shapes of  Specimen for HR PMR Studies in Single Crystalline Solid-State
Department of Chemistry
North Eastern Hills University
PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing
Shillong 793022 Meghalaya INDIA
Telephone: +91 364 272 2624  Fax: +91 364 255 0486


List of Questions & index to sheets


What is the  root source  for these Questions?


What are the Contributions to Induced Fields at the site of the nucleus from the different parts of the specimen that makes up the Experimentally Measured Shielding Tensor?


Why is the Bulk Susceptibility Contribution zero for Spherical Samples?


How is the Intermolecular Contribution calculated by the Discrete Summation Procedure?


How to ensure that all the neighboring molecules of significance have been considered in the summation? How can the boundary of Lorentz Sphere [the semi micro volume element] be constructed?


Can the Semi micro Volume element be Ellipsoidal instead of being Spherical; can there be Lorentz Ellipsoids?


What is the Intermolecular contribution to the Shielding Tensor if the neighboring    molecules are enclosed within a Ellipsoidal Volume Element instead of Spherical volume Element?


Can the Experimentally measured Values of the Shielding Tensor for the  Spherical shape and the Ellipsoidal shape  be related by an equation?

SHEET - 10

What are the questions still remain at this stage to be answered?

SHEET - 11

What are the considerations when the induced fields within the specimen can be inhomogeneous?

SHEET - 12

Why the Discrete Summation procedure cannot be extended to the entire extent of the macroscopic specimen?  

SHEET - 13

Where are the sources for finding a description of the simpler summing method of calculating demagnetization factors?

SHEET - 14

Can the simple method be useful for tackling the difficult calculations for the case of inhomogeneous magnetization? Have there been any specific shapes considered till date?

SHEET - 15

Can there be zero Induced Fields inside a specimen of inhomogeneous magnetization, if the shape of inner volume element and the outer specimen shapes are same as argued out for ellipsoids?

SHEET - 16

Can the Shielding tensor results be obtained with simple calculations in the case of an experimental determination in the in homogeneously magnetized specimen even when provided that the shapes are describable by regular equations?

SHEET - 17


SHEET - 18


SHEET - 19


SHEET - 20


The POSTER materials for the accepted presentation at the Venue of the 4th Alpine Conference on SSNMR, Chamonix Mont Blanc, France 11-15, September 2005

Click on the SHEET - X to download the MS WORD document (single A4 Sheet )containing  discussions on  the question appearing in that same box.

Poster posted to this web page by the author on Sunday, 4th septmber 2005,  7:29 PM

For particulars documented by the 4th Alpine Conference Organizing Committee Visit conference web site at URL:  http://www.alpine-conference.org

Tripod-site number 2 for Documenting Scientific Activities; / ealier site (full capacity contents) http://saravamudhan.tripod.com/

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