4th Alpine Conference on SSNMR - POSTER # P3 |
A Consideration
of the Enduring Questions for the Possibility of Using Arbitrary Shapes of Specimen for HR PMR Studies in Single Crystalline
Authors : (Presenting Author - E-mail : saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in ) Even when Spherically Shaped Single Crystalline Solid
Specimens have been used for HR PMR measurements, for the subsequent interpretation of the Shielding Tensor parameters, it
required a further calculation of intermolecular contributions to Shielding Tensor. These intermolecular contributions, when
subtracted from the experimental shielding parameter values, could yield the truly and only molecular contributions, which
is of relevance for inferring about the molecular electronic structure. The question as
to why a spherical shape was required, and, whether it would be possible to relax the stringency of this constraint has been
the consideration of the presentations made (1) till now. Such deliberations led to the possibilities of calculating the induced
field contributions inside a magnetized material by a simple summation procedure. It had also been shown that handling these
types of calculations seem possible, for contributions only within the Lorentz ellipsoids, as well as, for the contributions
from within the entire macroscopic specimen with shapes other than the regular ellipsoids of revolution (2). At this juncture making progress with the question
of arbitrary shapes as stated in the title of this abstract would require a consideration of the possibilities of the shape
and location of the Lorentz semi micro volume element so that the intermolecular contributions can be disentangled from the
total contribution unambiguously. This raises the issue of the microscopic averaging and the macroscopic averaging for arriving
at the induced field at a point within the magnetized material. A discussion on the requirements seem due before actually
proceeding with the calculations of this type and this context would at this juncture be highlighted and a strategy to be
followed would be laid out in this presentation. 1. http://geocities.com/amudhan_nehu/graphpresent.html 2. http://geocities.com/saravamudhan1944/eenc_ampere_lille.html Confirmation of Registration from the Conference Secretariat: congres@chamonix.com
Application [id no:25972] for travel grant from UGC Result
as per online Registartion page at http://www.ugc.ac.in Your Travel Ref# 9, Prof.ARAVAMUDHAN Sankarampadi Lecturer PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh
Umshing East Khasi Hills SHILLONGMeghalaya
saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in Submission
Date: 2005-08-24 Net Amount Requested: INR 55,000
------>LAYOUT<---- Contents of this webpage have
been included among the references Specified Poster Area (1.2m x 1.2m) Consists of 20 sheets all A4 size The table indicates the number sequence in which the 20 poster sheets would appear at the presentation
A Consideration of the Enduring
Questions for the Possibility of Using Arbitrary Shapes of Specimen for HR PMR Studies in Single Crystalline Solid-State
Department of Chemistry
North Eastern Hills University
PO NEHU Campus Mawkynroh Umshing
Shillong 793022 Meghalaya INDIA
Telephone: +91 364 272 2624 Fax: +91 364 255 0486
Email: saravamudhan@nehu.ac.in
The POSTER materials for the accepted presentation at the Venue of the 4th Alpine Conference on SSNMR,
Chamonix Mont Blanc, France 11-15, September 2005 Click on the SHEET - X to download the MS WORD document (single A4 Sheet )containing discussions
on the question appearing in that same box. Poster posted to this web page by the author on Sunday, 4th septmber 2005, 7:29 PM
For particulars documented by the 4th Alpine Conference Organizing Committee Visit conference
web site at URL: http://www.alpine-conference.org